Deliverable D3.2.2 – Report on the first Hands-On action
Hands-on activities are part of the Networking Activities (WP3) of the NATIFLife Project and are aimed to:
- Achieve contamination of the enterprises belonging to the consortium and other entities recruited by the networking, exploiting results from WP4.
- Advertise the support provided by the facilities of the two research centres toward the enterprises;
- Deliver demonstration activities to interested companies and assistance services providers.
Two Hands-On sessions have been scheduled during the Project, which will be carried on by the Universities of Catania and Malta, in the Pilot Demo Sites. This document reports on the first one.
First Hands-On session
The first Hands-On session of the NATIFLife Project took place on June 4th and 6th, 2019 at the Italian Pilot Site, located in the Centro di Riabilitazione Neuropsicomotoria “J.F. Keneedy”, in Adrano (Catania), which is managed by Helios.
The first session was dedicated only to the Project partners and followed the Review Meeting, while the second session has been targeted to both the partnership and the members of the NATIFLife Network and included a preliminary Training session.
Agenda and Topics
The agenda of the event, which includes also the list of Topics presented and discussed during the event, is included in the Brochure realized for the Network, which is attached to this document as Annex 1, and is also reported below:
Training and Hands-On Activity for the NATIFLife Network
June 6, 2019
Centro di Riabilitazione Neuropsicomotoria “J. F. Kennedy”
Contrada Naviccia, 95031 Adrano (CT)
9:30 | Embedded multisensors systems for the development of Assistive Domotics
B. Andò, DIEEI, University of Catania |
10.30 | Assistive Robotics
G. Muscato, DIEEI, University of Catania |
11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:30 | The integrated NATIFLife Platform of AT
S. Salupo, Salupo s.a.s. – L. Porcaro, Viteco s.r.l. |
12:30 | Conclusive Remarks |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:30 | Hands-On activities for the NATIFLife Network |
16:00 | Brain storming |
The objective of the training session was to disseminate information about the objectives and activities of the project, the standard technologies installed at the PDS and the ongoing research activities for the development of innovative assistive technologies, which will be the subject of future testing activities. The training activity was addressed both to the partnership and, above all, to the members of the NATIFLife Network.
The presentations used during the training session by the various speakers are attached to this document as Annex 2.
Hands On
The specific purpose of the first hands-on session was to provide a practical demonstration, both to the partners and to the Network, of the functioning of the standard domotic technologies installed at the PDS and how these contribute to the achievement of the project objectives.
From an operational point of view, the hands-on session took place by making the participants first carry out an inspection of the PDS premises, explaining, from time to time, what technologies were installed in the various environments and what functions they performed. Subsequently, a series of practical demonstrations were carried out on how the various installed devices detect the events of interest (switching on lights, opening the refrigerator, using household appliances, environmental parameters) and how these transmit the data to the system. To show the flow of information, in particular, we made use of both the devices’ proprietary web interfaces, the CMT development environment and the specially developed web-GUI, which is an integral part of the assistive technology platform.
The signed attendance sheets are available as Annex 3.
Pictures taken during the event have been collected and shared online through a dedicated album on Google Photos, which can be reached at the following link:
List of Annexes
Annex | Description |
1 | Brochure of the event (EN) |
2 | Presentations of the Training session |
3 | Signed attendance sheets |