- INFO DAYS will be organized to disseminate the project results through the general audience, End-Users, entities belonging to the NATIFLife Network.
- INFO POINTS will be arranged in Catania and Malta to disseminate the project activities and objectives to end-users and associations, as well as to promote visits to Pilot Demo Sites (Living Labs)
- VISITS to Pilot Demo Sites: 5 visits will be organized to bring End-Users to PDS during the whole project duration. Users feedback will be achieved through dedicated questionnaires The first visit aims to show the PDS without technology. The second aims to show standard technology. Other visits will aim to test novel solutions.
- Sustaining contacts between stakeholders interested in assistive technologies (associations, companies, R&D, public administrations) at a cross-border level.
- Creating best conditions for contamination: to exchange information and good practices, to increase visibility for the enterprises, to implement ToK in AT, to meet user-needs with technology offer, to generate new research projects.
- Facilitate Demand/Offer of Needs/Technologies mechanism by a dedicated Informative Portal .
- Fostering interaction between Researchers, Enterprises and End-Users by Hands-on Activities.
- Assistive Domotics to assist user performing daily activities
- User status assessment by advanced wearable devices
- User habits monitoring through the observation of geriatric indicators
- Increasing user-caregiver interaction by novel user interfaces
Active Ageing and Well Being will be supported with technological solutions to make people feel comfortable by their own home.
The main objective of the project is the development of an innovative framework of assistive technology by a joint action between research, industrial, institutional and social sectors.
Users will be provided with autonomy avoiding to break the bonds with families, staying in their place of origins and enjoying the comfort provided by integrated solutions easy to manage.
The development of effective communication and networking activities
The strengthening of two research centres
The development of timely research and an integrated platform of assistive technology compliant with innovative and traditional solutions
The realization of two Pilot Demo Sites (PDS)
The strategic cross-border Italy-Malta cooperation will tackle the challenge of Active Ageing exploiting the contamination between stakeholders with complementary skills.